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Associate Membership Application




The purpose of TACS is to promote progress of education through: Your membership will ensure that: Benefits to You
  • Working for the improvement of instruction
  • Providing professional growth programs to improve the skills of education
  • Supporting legislation to enhance the opportunities of community schools to provide the best education possible.
  • Cooperation with other organizations dedicated to the purpose of quality education for every individual of this state


  • TACS will continue to be the strong voice for nearly 1,250,000 students who attend community schools in Texas.
  • TACS will continue to be a powerful force in efforts to positively affect legislation and policy of special concern to community schools.
  • An opportunity to promote yourself and/or your firm/company through TACS Today magazine with a circulation of 900.
  • A weekly communique to keep you up to date on what’s happening in education today.
  • Opportunity to set up a booth at conferences.
  • Invitation to TACS events
  • A portion of  your membership fee will go towards student scholarships

Ready to join?

Fill out the application below


click here to download a pdf copy!


Contact Information

Texas Association of Community Schools
1011 San Jacinto Blvd., Ste. 204
Austin, Texas 78701-1924
Phone: (512) 440-8227
Fax: (512) 442-6705